Covid-19 – Working from Home

ema continues to monitor closely the situation and is following all relevant government and WHO advice to ensure that we are ready to adapt to the latest guidance. The ema team are now working from home as our first priority is the health and wellbeing of all our employees, their families, clients and stakeholders.
We have comprehensive business continuity procedures in place and in light of the current situation the majority of our staff are now working from home until further notice. We remain fully operational and able to support our clients with our full range of services and do not anticipate any significant disruption to our ability to support our clients.
We have restricted business travel to journeys that are deemed to be business critical. For all meetings that cannot take place in person, we are encouraging call, and video conferencing meetings/interviews or telephone calls instead.
If you have any questions please get in touch with your usual contact via email or call:
Mobile Emergency Phone Line: 07984383460
Anne Elliott, Managing Director: 07768027837
Ian Robertson, Executive Director: 07947126329
Susan Richardson, Managing Consultant and Interim Management Business Lead: 07366 890790
The ema team